The pupils of First Class are learning all about Microsoft Word (typing, CAPS and lowercase, putting in the fada sign, the € sign, numbers and inserting pictures….and much more!) Well done!
We also love the website!
The pupils of First Class are learning all about Microsoft Word (typing, CAPS and lowercase, putting in the fada sign, the € sign, numbers and inserting pictures….and much more!) Well done!
We also love the website!
Our school Book Fair will be held in association with Bandon Books on Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th November. Each class will be given an opportunity to view the books available at the Book Fair and we encourage parents/guardians to purchase books as Christmas presents.
Opening Times
12 30pm-1pm each day for pupils from Rang 1-Rang 6.
2pm-3pm each day for parents/guardians. Infants can visit the Book Fair at this time with an adult.
6 30pm-8 30pm on Wednesday 28th. All Welcome
Some students from Bandon Grammar School came to teach us how to play SpikeBall today.
We really enjoyed it.