5th class led the assembly today. October is the month of the rosary so we led the whole school in one decade of the rosary.
We then joined the whole school conga line raising money for Child line.
Happy Halloween everyone 🎃 👻

5th class led the assembly today. October is the month of the rosary so we led the whole school in one decade of the rosary.
We then joined the whole school conga line raising money for Child line.
Happy Halloween everyone 🎃 👻
Today junior infants had great fun dressing up, playing and doing the Halloween conga. We also did some yoga and raised some money for Childline. A big thank you to the Wellbeing committee for organising such a fantastic day.
Senior Infants were nowhere in sight today! Instead they were replaced with some very scary students who participated in the ‘Conga for Childline’.
The children in fourth really enjoyed playing maths games and solving puzzles and problems together!
The children in fourth class have made some lovely art creations since they started back in September; cats and dogs with personality, fraction inspired pictures, colourful trees and some spooky pieces also!
Senior Infants had a great time playing maths games with 6th class during maths week. 6th class pupils designed and created wonderful games. What a great way to continue our maths learning.
JI enjoyed playing some maths games that the 6th class invented for them this week. Thank you to 6th class for some excellent games!
Senior Infants created beautiful Autumn owls. Take a look at their wonderful creations!