We had a very exciting spookyKindness Awards presentation today! Everyone was dressed up for Halloween and we had lots of winners!!!!
Author: fifthclass
Maths Week 2024
We are busy designing maths themed board games in 5th class.
Meán Fómhair I Rang a Cúig
We have all settled back in to school life. Here is a snippet of what we have been up to this month 😊
Kindness Awards
We had great excitement at Assembly today when these lucky winners were randomly selected from the very long list of nominees for kindness awards.
Thank you Mrs Walsh
R. N. L. I
The children from 3rd – 6th class had a very informative talk today from Angela and Hank of the RNLI.
They received some very important reminders about water safety!
Cooperative Games
5th class and junior infants had great fun in the sun doing cooperative games.
5th class School Tour
5th class thoroughly enjoyed their Let’s Go school tour.
The Great Famine
5th class pupils worked in pairs creating and presenting projects about An Gorta Mór. Well done everyone!
First Aid
Today we had a first aid workshop learning all about asthma and choking.