We had a spooky Halloween dance and games party in Rang 1

We had a spooky Halloween dance and games party in Rang 1
There were great costumes on display throughout the school today 🎃👻 Sixth class enjoyed a well-deserved fun day after an excellent start to their school year. Happy Halloween and enjoy your midterm.
We had a very exciting spookyKindness Awards presentation today! Everyone was dressed up for Halloween and we had lots of winners!!!!
Rang 2 have been busy decorating our classroom with lots of Halloween art. We also baked an enjoyed a Halloween tea brack!
Today Ms. Coombes was all confused as she didn’t recognise any of her students! Do you?
6th Class were very excited to receive their school hoodies this week.
We enjoyed fun Maths activities in First Class
Rang 2 were very busy this week celebrating Maths Week! We played bingo, made pictures using 2D shapes and were very creative with our Shapensteins. Lego was also used this week to make marble mazes! Great work Rang 2!
3rd class put their problem solving skills to the test with Lifetime Lab. We really enjoyed the workshop for Maths Week 2024!
6th Class had a wonderful time exploring various Maths puzzles during a visit from Lifetime Lab Maths Workshops today.