We had super fun at our sports day and doing Zumba dancing
Category: Wellbeing
Mindfulness outdoors
Enjoying our work in the sunshine
Pieta House Fundraiser
As part of our Amber Flag Initiative and Wellbeing promotion, all children dressed in yellow/orange to raise awareness for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Each class created a human letter to spell the word Wellbeing . We raised money for the Pieta House Charity.
Today Rang 3-6 enjoyed an amazing TY production of ‘Grease’ in The Grammar School. Thank you for inviting us!
In keeping with our Mindfulness & Wellbeing awareness in the school, we enjoyed walking to and from event.
Rainbow Flash Dance
There was great atmosphere today for Wellbeing Week, on yard, with everyone dancing together , led by our fantastic dance coach , Veronica , from Razzle Dazzle .
Rainbow Flash mob dance
Senior Infants participated in a dance flash mob to showcase our dance moves! What fun we had!
Rainbow Day Dancing with Veronica
Lots of dance moves being shown today. Wonderful talent in 2nd class. The children really enjoyed the class.
Junior Infants Dancing into the Weekend
Junior infants really enjoyed their dance lesson today with Veronica from Razzle Dazzle! What a wonderful end to wellbeing week! We are feeling great for the weekend!
Dancing fun in Senior Infants
Senior Infants really enjoyed their dance lesson with Veronica from Razzle Dazzle today. Pupils had a great time learning some new dance moves. A super finish to a wonderful well-being week!
Wellbeing Week in First Class.
First Class are enjoying some lovely mindful activities . We have practiced mindful breathing , Yoga , mindful art, circle time and wrote a wellbeing acrostic poem