Rang a 3 have been learning about fractions this week. Pupils played different games to practise their skills and knowledge of fractions.

Rang a 3 have been learning about fractions this week. Pupils played different games to practise their skills and knowledge of fractions.
Rang a sé have been creating their own dances the last number of weeks in PE and today performed them for the junior infants!! A big thank you to them for providing us with an audience
Rang a 3 were delighted to have Amy back for a GAA session this afternoon! What a super way to keep fit, healthy and active!
Welcome to our new Active School Committee members. They have been busy discussing all things active over the last few weeks.
We were very pleased to see Amy back in school for GAA this morning.
Rang a 3 kept active in the sunshine this afternoon by practising their ball throwing and catching skills using teamwork, movement and hand eye coordination skills.